Super Bowl Pool
Event Date: February 11, 2024
Final Pool Available: February 11 @ 2pm or earlier
Pool Size: 100 squares / $50 a square
Please Contact one of the sales team member before buying
(Abraham, Afif, Jocelyne, Moussa, Rima, Samir or Sumaya)
Each Square has a chance to win 8% ($400) per quarter for maximum of 32% ($1600) per event.
Event is driven by the Super bowl live score on February 11.
Least digit of each team's score at the end of each quarter will determine the winner in the pool.
If 4th quarter score is tied, the final quarter winner will be based on Final OT score instead.
If the Super bowl match/event is cancelled due to COVID-19 situation or others, numbers 1 to 100 will be used instead in a live draw to determine the 4 winners.
Event Date: February 11, 2024
Final Pool Available: February 11 @ 2pm or earlier
Pool Size: 100 squares / $50 a square
Please Contact one of the sales team member before buying
(Abraham, Afif, Jocelyne, Moussa, Rima, Samir or Sumaya)
Each Square has a chance to win 8% ($400) per quarter for maximum of 32% ($1600) per event.
Event is driven by the Super bowl live score on February 11.
Least digit of each team's score at the end of each quarter will determine the winner in the pool.
If 4th quarter score is tied, the final quarter winner will be based on Final OT score instead.
If the Super bowl match/event is cancelled due to COVID-19 situation or others, numbers 1 to 100 will be used instead in a live draw to determine the 4 winners.
Participants can buy any squares 1 to 100 and will be placed in the pool based on the square number.
TBD numbers (0 to 9) for AFC/NFC will be drawn randomly before Super bowl kickoff to
finalize the pool.
Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
This event is a fund raising event for Our Lady of Lebanon church but it is not considered a tax deductible event.
TBD numbers (0 to 9) for AFC/NFC will be drawn randomly before Super bowl kickoff to
finalize the pool.
Must be 18 years of age or older to participate.
This event is a fund raising event for Our Lady of Lebanon church but it is not considered a tax deductible event.